Monday, April 25, 2016

Which Reminds Me

During the time I was at Evangel College, I remember someone mentioning that some of the top leaders of the church denomination were known to belong to secret societies of the Southern variety, the Sons of the Confederacy or something like that, the church headquarters being located in Missouri, a state with a considerable amount of slavery in its controversial past. So someone was saying that was something that was cause to be concerned. Yes, I suppose so. Also, you could choose to be concerned about that if you were the Cranfords assembling some game board problematics. But when it comes to church, we just want everyone to go to church. We just want everyone to be there at church to hear the Good News. We really cannot discriminate against persons who belong to exclusive country clubs and/or other associations representing a variety of personal interests of the various members and/or hangers on who come to church for spiritual reasons in varying degrees of spiritual depth. It would be good if everyone could attend a good church that fed their spirits in a positive way but this world is a very imperfect place so perhaps that is not always possible for a variety of reasons. Utopia is the title of a book about someone's wishful thinking perhaps but not a reality for most of us living in the real world.