Thursday, April 14, 2016

Which Reminds Me

You were asking why don't I express more sympathy for Kathy's cause. You seem to have forgotten that Kathy is one of the nastiest meanest rich people on the planet. Kathy often lashes into strangely angry harangues at me for no apparent reason and I never had even the slightest interest in her stupid boyfriend. But Kathy is immensely rich and powerful so no one dares to protest her prominent displays of rotten attitude. Excuse me, but I never even met this dreary Kathy person until I was introduced on the first day of school by Heather, of whom there is likewise nothing nice to say. I tend to think that Kathy and Raymond were hired by Heather to sabotage my life. Why would the U.S. government be so interested in making my entire life a complete misery by surrounding me with these Italian skunks? I am nobody important. I don't have any money. You are all so ridiculous.