Friday, April 8, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Speaking of retired militaries on the prowl, I thought that I heard Jim crowing about something. Just because I was his date at the Christmas banquet one year at college, maybe he cannot think of anyone else to kick around. I think that Jim, in his shaky mental state, already had his one dinner chance to impress me and failed so there is nothing else for him to do but go to the back of the line and hang out with those other whiny losers who are also well forgotten by me. I am tired of hearing his sour grapes leaking around. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he has confused me with someone else, maybe Dauna or that shrill Italian who dissed his language, or so Dauna said. Anyway, I do not want to be hearing sour grapes from Jim when we all know about his serious mental problems. We remember.