Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there is plenty of complaining going on about the complicated system of rules and how the whole system of rules and regulations is rigged to make us look bad, and yet no one is saying that we don't obey the rules, unless we play along with you.

And yet there you sit protesting and saying that I must be stopped. I wonder what they are so afraid of my possibly doing. What was that thing that I could do that so frightens them? I don't remember very much. Maybe you could remind me because I just have no idea.

And yet I say that I do not feel like committing suicide just yet. You could always kill me.

Who is more guilty, the one who threatens to kill yet does not kill or the one who does not say so and yet does kill. I say that the actual killer is the one in danger of the electric chair.

Didn't your parents ever teach you that little proverb, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me"? That explains why we just ignore these foul-mouthed bullies of high school.

But of course that saying is not quite true either. Words do hurt, but sticks and stones are what break things.