Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hey, I never said that the traffic accident wasn't my fault. I do not know why everyone continues to act like I was paying attention. The light had turned green but I was not supposed to accelerate because Mr. Skinkle's big white Cadillac was not moving that fast and perhaps he had not noticed that the light had turned green and so I rear-ended him in heavy traffic. I think that rear-ending is automatically the fault of the person following so I do not understand the hysteria. Is it just me who finds it strange that Mrs. Skinkle sued me for loss of conjugal pleasures? It is amazing how much they charge to repair the rear end of a Cadillac. I just find it bizarre that this Mrs. Skinkle would be using the legal system for such expansive purposes. Is it standard for widows of traffic accident victims to sue over such matters? Mr. Skinkle seemed fine after the accident, walking around and talking and we exchanged insurance information. The off-duty paramedic in the pickup truck stopped to help and asked Mr. Skinkle how he felt. At first Mr. Skinkle said he felt OK and then he changed his mind. The paramedic told him to get in the front seat and the paramedic got in the back seat behind him and was massaging his neck and shoulders. I guess that is what those guys do. And then finally the ambulance came and they were able to put him on the stretcher and take him to the hospital. So that is all I remember, basically.