Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Stupid Tirade Stuff

Oh yes, according to the script I am also supposed to say something about the late Mary Jo Kopechne and the rumors that the silence of her family was paid for by the Kennedys. I do not know whether that is true or not. It just a rumor as far as I can tell but, yes, one can sort of see why they would prefer not to say anything about it. A prosecution could be sort of embarrassing for the memory of their late daughter and fault would be hard to prove one way or another what with her dead and unable to explain what she was doing in his car anyway and him an extremely influential politician with lots of money. So one can see why there might be some good reasons not to talk about it. It is not something that we, the public, think about all that much but it is just there nonetheless, an easy sound bite for Republicans. Yet Republicans would have to be almost perfect to want to run for president in 2012 because there are so many strikes against challengers anyway. I wasn't planning to run for president anyway, or, for that matter, ride around in Jerry Falwell's car so this is not my problem. I sometimes listen to this stuff on television but it is really not my problem.