Friday, January 28, 2011

Carr 2

Yes, I suppose that we could use our Mary Ann Carr connection, one of my 32 great-great-great-grandparents, to claim membership in the Holy Roman Empire. That entity has not existed for 200 years maybe. And even if it could be resurrected, why would we want to be incorporated to the groveling minions enslaved by haughty rich Europeans, Polish and the like, who treat us like garbage? I probably should add a reference here to Lower Slobovia, which I had always thought referred to a mythical European nation, possibly some Polish berg locked in Iron Curtain backwardness, borrowing from a short narrative tape that we MKs once made together while playing and trying to think of uses for our new cassette recorder, the reference to Lower Slobovia being contributed by David who said he heard it on the radio or seen it somewhere and said it was generally regarded as funny. Not having paid very much attention to Al Capp's Dogpatch comic strip, I cannot really say much about that. David thinks he knows everything so there is not much point arguing about this point now. However, in perusing Wikipedia now I see that Al Capp had said something else in mind. The actual butt of the joke was a city in far eastern Siberia which was set up by Stalin as a Jewish autonomous region. Interesting. I never knew that existed. I probably thought it was just another polack joke.