Wednesday, January 12, 2011

End of Story

In 2002 two Salvadoran generals, García and Casanova, were found guilty of allowing their men to kidnap, torture, rape and murder thousands of unarmed civilians. They were ordered to compensate the victims who may choose to file suit. Interestingly, I read recently that one of them lives in West Palm Beach. I am not saying that I have been following these events in the news. Newspapers are shrinking and it is rare to see a headline from Central America. In 1980 the headlines were not so rare and I do remember reading in the newspaper about the war. Not that I would know anything about that from a personal standpoint. It was just sad to think of the place of my happy childhood so torn apart by war and strife. However, I have no knowledge of those events. Justice is one of those things that sometimes miscarries. I do not have the answers to those questions. Who should pay? Why do innocent people suffer? Where is God in all this mess? I don't know. Sometimes people suffer for no fault of their own. It is just the sinful world that we live in. Sin is not an excuse but it does explain sometimes the unexplainable, like the book Job so often discussed by Barbara. Maybe we can't understand why some people would think that their sons should not be prosecuted for atrocities. And then again, maybe we can't understand why these particular atrocities should be prosecuted while other wartime atrocities in other countries or at other times go unnoticed and unremarked. I do not know the answer to that and I would not even want to attempt to contemplate such an enormous question. These are questions are too high for me. Someone really should take charge of this problem because I am not the one qualified to do it.