Saturday, February 25, 2012

Between Bells

Between bells we only had about five minutes to from one class to the next. I am referring, of course, to high school. The bell would go off and everyone would pack up and move on to the next class. I was always very good about going forthwith to the next class with little delay. Usually there is enough time to stop at the locker or else one has to carry around the necessary books to avoid having to go to the locker. Either way, I was already sitting in my chair in 10th grade English class with Miss Marken, second chair from the front of the room, when I heard Joan Calabrese standing at the front of the room talking to Miss Marken for a few minutes about the Patty Hearse story before going to her chair in the front row, directly in front of me. If Martha was late and behind the bell, or else not part of honors English class because assigned to dummies class, perhaps she missed overhearing this interesting information about Joan's connection to bank robberies and mayhem in San Francisco. So you learned about bank robberies some other way. Perhaps you are on the inside of the SLA organization and have access to other insider details that we did not hear whereas we who arrived on time to class only heard what Joan said to Miss Marken. I wouldn't need to say anything about that because I wouldn't want anyone to think that I was interested in learning more about how to rob banks and kidnap people, unlike Joan.