Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jokes That I Don't Get

Yes, I do not have the foggiest idea where all of these "I ran for president" jokes are coming from. It's just ridiculous. I never ran for president and never even thought about that. In fact, the one time that Steve Brown nominated me to run for something in high school, I immediately had my name erased from the blackboard because it would be too problematic for me to try to get elected in high school given all of the unfortunate circumstances of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a white person temporarily displaced in a brown world or something like that. I would rather not run than be utterly humiliated by the tide of public opinion, now that's one way of looking at it. Later, after tenth grade Steve Brown moved back to Arizona and disappeared into the American landscape never to be heard from again. I probably should have had my name removed from the blackboard also at the Musician's Guild meeting because nobody elected me and also I never did anything to help with the talent show anyway because it was not my problem. So there is a positive side to not being elected. It is good not to be saddled with the opinions of the stupid public in my opinion. Like the Bible says in the Old Testament: "And every man did what was right in his own eyes." Now there is a recipe for anarchy and chaos, as any Sunday School teacher will tell you, and I specifically remember teachers at the little school emphasizing this point. You could give the people whatever they want and crown some powerful king but you might not like the results anyway, being chained into forced labor to fund the king's glory. Sometimes it is just as well to not be saddled with the problem because the solution you are seeking would only invite judgment and, anyway, it's not my problem.