Sunday, February 19, 2012

Marks - Continued

Also, I don't remember the name of the Johnson boy who married his 16-year-old bride Carol Garlit of whom I never thought much. I always thought Carol Garlit was such an obnoxious little twit. We might have been obligated due to family friend circumstances to attend her bridal shower and wedding although I really don't remember anything. We try so hard to be nice to these uppity people but it is not like we really like them. We just endure their snooty condescending ways because we don't really have a choice in terms of social connections. We are thrown together with these Johnson dogs but we really don't understand why they spend so much time and energy trashing us behind our backs when actually they are so crassly vulgar in their ostentatious display of wealth that it makes us want to vomit, as if we are obligated for some reason to be impressed with their nothingness. Just having a giant screen TV in every room of your house and eating out all often enough to weigh five hundred pounds means nothing in terms of good taste in my opinion, but then again it's not like anyone would ever ask my opinion. But as far as I am concerned, the Johnsons are nothing but trashy flashy riff-raff who happen to be rich.