Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yes, I think I did write a letter to Cori Nipper's parents although I don't really remember what I said in the letter or why I wrote something. Maybe I wanted to explain to them what a horrible person their daughter Cori actually is so that no one would think that I actually agreed with anything that Cori says in her rambling rants about disbelief and rage or that I myself would accept any responsibility for having produced such a horrible person as Cori just because of the accident of being her college rooommate for a year or so. I tried to witness to that piece of trash but everything I ever said went in one ear and out the other so obviously it was a big mistake to have anything to do with Cori and her wicked friends and family. But I wouldn't want anyone to think that it was all my fault when actually Cori is just a huge mass of wickedness and stupidity, making it very hard for me to tolerate her constant verbal assaults, sort of like living with the enemy. So if Cori doesn't like the fact that I don't really like her, well, it's true. I think she is a worthless excuse for human being, just returning the favor. When I first started rooming with Cori there was some understanding that she was a horribly worldly person and that I would try to witness to her, like my Dad said, but it was a huge waste of time and effort, mostly fruitless. She really doesn't deserve anything from me. Anything said to Cori is liking casting my pearls before swine to be trampled underfoot by the District Swine because that is all Cori is, just a stupid mindless pig. If God wants to save her soul fine but don't ask me to witness to those vicious District Dogs because I am not equipped to negotiate the rich and powerful curve. I would just be killed point blank and there is no point to this stupid conversation, to be honest. I would rather be free and dead than to be a slave to the District Dogs.