Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Philippians 3:19

It is really not my job to pound on these whiny fascist dogs like Robbie and Noel but the Bible applies and so obviously this is already in the script anyway. In fact this is their whole point. Although it is never said, we all know that the TV upppity-ups are big-time whiners. That is because their god is their belly. Far be it from them to forego certain alcoholic beverages that satisfy and quench their own consumptive carnal pleasures, even if ministerial license requirements technically forbid it, because, when it all comes down to it, they only care about earthly things. If you are not a minister then nobody can fire you from your pastoral position. You can just own your own ministry organization so nobody is able to take you to account for your drunken rages and fire you. Yes, they try to make us feel stupid for not going with the flow, and some of us may have our moments of being suckered by their devilishly clever tactics and manipulation and our thoughts get jumbled on this point, but anyway, actually, when all is said and done, they are the guilty ones who are trying to cover their tracks and make it seem like the rules are stupid and that we are all wrong for being too persnickety about rules. And which rules are important anyway? Just because Debbie Tracy doesn't like me and always hated my guts, that's not a rule. The rules are determined by the school or denominational organization or God, not by the whining of dumpy dogs like Debbie Tracy or Dauna Kammerer. It was not my job to go around putting the dogs back in their cages. So you might be able to get away with whatever you want and you might have to pay for it later but it is not my problem as long as the denomination basically agrees on what the rules are and ought to be. But if the uppity-ups aren't even playing by the rules anymore, then what is our reason for being? Maybe they would like to change the rules but what kind of church would that be, anyway? Catholic? Anglican? Whatever. They have plenty of other choices but then we wouldn't really be Pentecostal anymore. We would just be a lot of lukewarm nothingness to be spewed out of the mouth.