Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Let The WV Dogs Out?

Yes, and who let the dogs of West Virginia out of their cages? I am referring probably to Dave Hoskins' extended connections up there, including all of those mountain riff raff Younguns who spend their summers growing pot in the mountains and then come down here flashing their trash cash. We want none of them. We are Christians so we want to give no room to those drugged out losers from WV. If they cannot even clean up their own mountain snake lairs then obviously they have not earned the right to tell us anything, and that refers especially to Dave's horrid little witch Wendy. I want no connection whatever to those horrible people. I feel sorry for Wendy but not really. She doesn't deserve that much pity. I think she knew what she was doing in her sick little mind. I only feel sorry for the poor children who didn't have any choice in the matter.

Just because I once read the novel "Christie," that does not mean that I would want to go there or hear from those people either. I am sure that they have a lot of personal problems and I can't help them. Sorry, but their problems are too much for me.