Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we all know that Grandpa Calkins was on the board of Ed Cole's "Maximized Manhood" ministry. But before that Ed Cole was among the hired workers of Grandpa Calkins' plastering contractor business. The transition from hired worker to ministry leader means that Ed Cole got saved while or after working for Grandpa Calkins. I myself heard Mr. Cole say that Grandpa Calkins had been a role model for him in changing his life around. He filled my Dad's shoes with cement at work but did not get much response. Anyway, if Ed Cole had not gotten saved and had continued on his path toward alcoholism and wicked prankfulness, it is doubtful that Grandpa Calkins would ever have become a board member of the Cole family ministry. Nowadays our family feels no obligation of slavery to the Cole family. That was strictly a thing of their generation. We saw their smiling faces on Christmas card photos but we really don't know anything about those people. I did meet his daughter Joan at college once but our paths never crossed. I don't know anything about her. Anyway, if you did not get saved you cannot be expect to be commanding the Salvation Army. It just doesn't work that way.