Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Which Reminds Me

We have recently learned of the existence of Lois J. Roberts. She might even be Lois Johnson Roberts although the evidence conflicts. Lois is an officially registered historian specializing in the events of Ecuadoran history. She has written entire books on the subject of Lebanese immigrants living in Ecuador. I, on the other hand, have never set foot in Ecuador, neither am I of Middle Eastern extraction, nor am I interested in those people, so obviously Lois knows absolutely nothing about me regardless of her status as registered historian of Ecuadoran Lebanese. Doctors are so specialized, as we are seeing, that they know only the a narrow scope of study to which they have devoted their entire lives, seeing nothing else beyond their books.

Interestingly, we also learned in our studies that Fred Hibbert divorced Renell Barth and married Lenore Johnson. Johnson's birth certificate records her mother's name as Johnson so we have no clue as to Lenore's father's identity, not that it matters to us about this meaningless Johnson & Johnson clue.

We suspect that someone is now begging the question of whether Lois J. Roberts could actually be Lenore's mother but we had not been aware of the existence of either of these people, so out of touch are we with the worthless idiot children of Samuel Barth, my Dad's uncle who lived way up north in San Jose and whom I never met or even heard of until recently.

We really do not care about who Lenore Johnson is, not having been aware of her existence which has no bearing on my existence. There is just no family connection to speak of there. We could not care less about the Hibbert family as they have never done us any favors and go around conspiring behind our backs as if they were related to us when actually it seems that someone dropped them off a cliff and forgot about them or something. I really don't understand nor do I care to know anything else about them. Many people have problems and manage their own affairs without destroying everybody else's happiness in the process so I really don't understand why the Hibberts and Scotts cannot do the same and manage their own lives without poking their noses into places where they don't belong. I learned that lesson every young but apparently they never learned their lesson. I could say something similar about the Hiatts. Someone really ought to fence those people in because they really are not that special to us. There is only one thing that unites us, a common thread of history, but I really don't remember anything about that so I will not be of much use to them in their history book writing in which I am not interested in participating. Leave me out of it.