Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Those Italians — Kathy, Joan, Heather — were unbelievably cruel to me during high school so I really would rather forget entirely about high school and all of the misery entailed in my miserable adolescent existence there as well as the cruel wicked witches who inflicted such unbearable humiliation upon me at every social opportunity. Everything I say or do will be used against me pretty much explains their philosophy of communication in terms of me. They are saying that my words are my "seed" and they take all of my "seed" words and mangling and warping and throwing them away to the four winds so that I can never have any effect on them or anyone else. Is it any wonder I am a quiet person? You might say that I was X-communicated. Thus we see that nothing good will ever happen to me if they have anything to say about it. They have made these plans from before the beginning of the world so obviously I don't care if I ever see those snarky dogs ever again in this lifetime to be brutally honest. Maybe in heaven we will all get along but down here we never did.