Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am an IN

I am an IN. IN means an Introvert Intuitive if you know anything about the Myers-Brigg test. I tested very heavily for intuitive and even more heavily for introverted so there is no question that I am an introvert. Whether or not I am a T/F or a J/P is less clear. I have tested as INFJ and also later as INTP at different times in my life but always very borderline on the T/F and J/P. It all depends on how you answer the questions and how it strikes me the time. Nevertheless, I am highly Introverted. So this is just part of who I am. I will not tolerate these hideous people snapping at me and saying shyness is selfishness. And what makes these people think they are entitled to know anything about me anyway? What makes these people think they are entitle to a one-way street relationship with me wherein I am pressured to open up and tell them more about myself so that they can then use all this information in distorted ways for their own selfish ambitions? Like I said when Cori or someone was complaining that I never I talk, I don't feel comfortable talking to people I don't really know and don't trust. I am waiting for something, like maybe thing will change so that I will feel more comfortable opening up and talking. Or maybe I am just waiting for the nags to disappear so that I can do what I want. So if Cori is still waiting for me to open up and talk to her she can forget about it. It is just never going to happen. I am never going to change into an extrovert. I always will be an introvert. There is nothing wrong with being an IN. It is not a birth defect, even if I am an anomaly within my own family. I always will be an intuitive, although intuition has nothing to do with witchcraft. It is just a personality thing. So the more you heap shame and humiliation upon me for being an introvert, the less likely it is that you will ever hear from me again. If you lock me out of myself then I will be ruined which is why I will never talk to you again. You are too dangerous for association.