Thursday, October 7, 2010

More About Bad Jokes

Our Spanish lesson for today:

1. Definition of "peca, pecas": freckle, freckles
2. Definition of "peca, pecas": He or she sins, you sin

So just because I have freckles that does not mean that you are the one with sin spots as contrasted with my sun spots and just because I bequeathed to you my freckles, that does not now mean that I am now am stuck with your sin spots as opposed to mine or that you really got my sun spot joke, although I have since forgotten the conversation or how the subject came up in the first place.

Nevertheless, as the Bible says:
"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
 "There is no one righteous, no not one."

So freckles or no freckles, you are not off the hook. You still need a Savior, Jesus Christ the spotless lamb of God who died to provide atonement for your sins and mine.

So this is how these things get more and more complicated. Sin makes the world a very complicated place but if we keep our eyes on Jesus then our lives do not have to be this complicated. Biblical principles are followed so that our lives do not get so complicated.