Saturday, October 16, 2010


Speaking of plots, I know what the anti-Semitic Hoskins clan is trying to do. They are trying to put me in the place of the Palestinian who is forever a second-class citizen to the Jewish person so that I can share in the bitterness and anger of the Palestinians. This is because the Hoskins are virulently anti-Semitic in addition to being very involved in ministries to the Arabs while giving lip service to Jewish ministries also. Truly, would it not be sort of dangerous to imagine that the entire world is composed of only Jews and Palestinians so that you can be only one or the other and not a none of the above? I wonder if the Hoskins have ever contemplated the possibility that I just cannot fit into the shoes/moccasins of either Arab or Jew and thus I am a none (spelled n-o-n-e) of the above and thus their little scheme to shower me with the bitterness of Hagar or Keturah is just going to boomerang and result in vomit on their own faces because, really, they just don't get it. I should not have to explain this. I am a Christian so that garbage is not my problem.