Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lynda's Teaching

Yes, it is very hard for me to comment on Lynda's teaching experience. I remember that at college she was doing some student teaching nearby and for some reason one day she asked me to accompany her so I did and remember being there at the school for maybe just a few minutes. I don't remember what we were doing there, only that the place was pandemonium and the kids thought that I was one of them and kept asking me if I was a new student. I said no, I'm just a friend of Lynda's, only visiting. Ok, I look young but I'm not that young so someone else's parents have no business telling me diddledy-squat because I am not their kid and what I do is none of their business. Don't remember why Lynda always seemed to need a retinue following her around. I don't really know very much about her subsequent year or two teaching at a Christian school or why she is now content with mundane office jobs after being trained as a music teacher. It is hard for me to reference anything related to teaching as I am really not that interested in patrolling pandemonium and not really getting to do what I want to do which is not really teaching music. Yes, John Brown thought it might be a good idea for me to teach piano lessons and gave me a couple of phone numbers to call. I called one and the lady immediately said no, that I probably was not good enough for her kid or without enough experience, and so that was fine with me. I would not was not offering to do her any favors anyway and that was the last time I ever took any advice from creepy weird John Brown so get a clue.