Saturday, October 16, 2010


That's sort of funny, these people trying to pretend that I should be jealous of dumpy dog Sharon. She is a fat, ugly spinster whose best hope for marriage is finding some fat, ugly slob who really likes her money and is thus willing to overlook her many faults. She has lots of money because, for one thing, her father died when she was young and left her an inheritance. (So should I wish that my father was dead so some non-existent money should materialize out of nowhere?) And also she has lots of money because she works in municipal human resources. (Newspaper writing just never paid that well but it was a lot more fun than being municipal drone.) We all know that "they" love people with money, the more of it the better, so obviously "they" are on her side. In addition, Sharon is not only bilingual English-Portuguese but also biracial, being half Jewish and half Brazilian. These days language skills are not enough. You have to be a multi-racial to represent "them" and get ahead. (So should I trade in my plain vanilla parents for something more variegated? No, I think that would be too much trouble. God made me this way for a purpose even if "they" just don't get it.) So, basically, no, I really could not care less about what Sharon is doing these days. Probably making lots of money and dating be, her shoes would never fit me, and all that hanging out with all those Brazilians would just give me a headache trying to understand what they are saying. I basically just don't care about Brazil. Sorry if that bothers "them," but I just have other things to do than worry about copycatting Sharon.