Thursday, October 7, 2010

Speaking Of Bad Jokes

Speaking of bad jokes, yes, certainly the Trojan Times Senior Issue, particularly the seniors' last wills, is full of bad jokes. This is not a tradition that we personally instituted. It was inherited from past years and we were just plugging in the empty space with whatever people turned in. Maybe something else could have been done with the Senior Issue but we were not feeling that creative at the time. We had other things on our minds, such as getting out of there.

It was not our will that those jokes should be taken seriously. The introduction explains that the wills are for entertainment purposes only. And anyway, why would I will my beautiful little freckles to Lorena Tenorio who obviously would not appreciate them. No, it was just a stupid joke, not to be taken seriously. Ok, so if we are going to be technical about this, I vaguely remember having a conversation with someone and saying that, well, I am about as white as they come (more or less, generally speaking), and the reply was that actually no, I am not the whitest person in the school (as if I were boasting about being the whitest person in the school). Lorena Tenorio might have been one of those cited as actually whiter than me although a different shade, more of a creamy white, and no freckles. So maybe she wants a polka-dot sun tan? Ha ha ha! No, not really. Just a stupid joke.

There was no connection, and you are really stretching it, if you imagine that there was any thought of the dramatic play, "Don Juan Tenorio." Am I attributing the blame to her rather than the creepy letcherous womanizer who is the main character of the Spanish literature classic which is the basis for an opera and is based on actually true stories of persons such as the Casanova who actually chronicled his many encounters with innumerable women? Well, Solomon had a thousand wives so who's to say that Casanova was not unlike the rich and powerful potentates of the Orient?

Well, if you want to excuse Casanova then you must be a wealthy Arab potentate or something like that, but that was never the Christian position, Protestant or Catholic. Casanova ended his life doing penitence because, as we all know, he was just wrong wrong wrong. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and if you don't have self-control then you are just not operating in the Spirit. You are a clueless creep and we are not going to take you that seriously.

And anyway, freckles are not a sign of sinful spots. I could look up the significance of melatonin but, anyway, it does not logically follow that melatonin directly correlates to sinfulness. Are you saying that black people are more sinful people than white people? You psychos! Do not put me on your stupid thinkers list. I am not willing to take your garbage seriously. I have more important things to do than delve into the intricacies of stupid thinking.