Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The Bible says that we are known by our fruit, by our friends, by our actions. If we are judged by the people with whom we associate, then we are truly hopelessly sunk if our associations are composed mostly of the juvenile pranksters of SCC. I well remember the guy who jokingly suggested that I audition for the part of Gilda Radner with hairy armpits. Hmmm.... And what exactly was he suggesting or saying about me? Very strange. Not the kind of thing that would make a girl like me think that such a guy would ever be a friend of mine. Rather, it would make me feel rather insulted in a way. Not to insult Gilda Radner but comedy schtick is just not my thing. I never remember jokes. I forget the punch lines. And besides, the hairy armpit thing could be disastrous in real life. Was he making a commentary on my personal hygiene? Some people might actually take that seriously and imagine me all of the time wearing army boots and all the other stuff that goes along with the suggested stereotype. I already had that problem in a small way once before with the role of "Captain" in high school but once is enough. Playing the bad girl on a regular basis was not what I had planned for my life. Sure, there might have been a place for performance but I choose. It would have to be something more fitting for me and who I am, something in my own best interests.