Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Local Patriotism vs. Protestantism

This document titled "The Missionary Question" is very interesting in that it seems to deal almost entirely with Catholic Christianity, written as it is in Korea in 1894. No mention is made of England or Protestants, almost as if the whole of Christianity were comprehended through the lens of Korean Catholicism as represented by France, Spain, Italy. Are you thus trying to suggest that all Protestant and English Christians discourage local patriotism and encourage the sale of daughters into prostitution? This cannot be so. You cannot be a Christian and maintain such an unsustainable position. Thus you are wrong. Thus, you must go back to the table and rethink your positions on these matters from a truly Protestant point of view, remembering that just because they are Catholics, that does not mean that we necessarily disagree with them. We do have some points of agreement here so get real.