Thursday, November 18, 2010


Sorry, Carole, but just because I briefly worked for your father many years ago, that does not mean that I will ever be a part of your life. You really should not imagine that I will ever give you any of this social affirmation that you so crave. You are not going to get anything from me, especially not now after dumping all this garbage on me. I feel nothing but pity for your fatherless children. It is not their fault that you were stupid. Just being Swedish does not entitle you to special privileges in comparison to other nationalities so it will probably be worse for you than it was for them because of your attitude towards the non-Swedish lowlifes surrounding you. At least they were poor and ignorant. You were just rich and willful and spoiled rotten, that's all. So, no, you do not deserve a prize for all of your worthless web spinning.