Monday, November 1, 2010

No Go

When I moved to California years ago and was looking for a place to live my mom went with me to look at a room that was offered at a house owned by a single lady. I think her last name was Jenkins or Jeter. She was related to Luisa Jeter Walker, maybe a sister of hers although I am not sure. My mom thought it was a great idea for me to be living with such a nice, respectable Christian lady but I did not feel comfortable about the idea of living there. I was experiencing feelings of trepidation, thinking that maybe I could get stuck being the companion to this elderly woman who owned the house and might expect too much in terms of housecleaning and could get really upset if everything was not perfectly clean. These neat freaks are so weird plus none of the benefits of rooming with people of my own age group. So my mom left and then I never did call the woman back. I was thinking about it but then she called me and asked if I was still planning to move there and I told her I had decided not go there even though I still had not found a place to go. So she sounded a little bit upset but I said no and that was that. Years later my mother became acquainted with Luisa Jeter Walker who did some work for Vida and I also met her and she told me that her sister was still very upset with me for not rooming with her because she had been counting on me moving in there and had even turned down someone else so that I could live there. And so thanks for making me feel guilty about it but nevertheless I did not think that this minor event merited such a hateful tirade from Mrs. Walker. It is just ridiculous for them to get so bent out of shape over that. They should not be counting on me to fit into their Ponzi scheme or whatever it is. This is a free country and so I have every right not to take up the mantle of the bad girl. I permanently resigned from the stage in case you did not notice and left the door open wide for any other candidates who may wish to play the role of bad girl. You should be focusing your efforts on them for there is no other reason to continue to target me. I did not do anything to deserve this garbage.