Monday, November 22, 2010


Say hello to Philo and Julie. Ok, I am not sure about this because some of my caption info has disappeared in transit but this might be the genealogist. Aunt Julia had a picture of a couple who are described in the caption as the genealogist. Now that is interesting. And why would Aunt Julia have need of the services of a genealogist? Would her father not be rolling over in his grave to know that his daughter would bother to avail herself of the services of a genealogist or even be acquainted with such a trivial pursuit? Did he not take the paper image down from its pedestal and smash it to bits in symbolic victory over the demons of ancestor worship? Ok, so we all think that reaction might have been a bit extreme. Do-it-yourself would be my suggestion to anyone considering the question of what to do about removal of ancestor worship. DIY. It is not my job to make such a personal decision for you and it is a very personal matter. Does this make genealogy research wrong? I am not sure. It is not illegal to do genealogical research but it is not required. The Mormons often use their fancifully embellished genealogies for religious purposes which makes us not inclined to want to be associated with their genealogical interests. We would not want to be confused with Mormons. Hopefully this is not a Mormon genealogist, although it gets confusing. After all, genealogists often do the bidding of Mormons rather than us, the true Christians. Sorry but Mormons are just a cult and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Just look at the course of the history of Christianity. Here is just one example.