Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Yes, I do remember at SCC that morning, walking from my room to the classroom via the parking lot and noticing that the sign painted on the parking lot ground had been switched from STOP to SPOT. Ha ha ha! Obviously we all learned to read by the Dick and Jane method. Of course you remember Dick and Jane and their dog Spot. "See Spot run!" "Stop, Spot! Stop!" Ha ha ha! Well, I suppose I can safely laugh because I was not involved in the gigantic prank that involved turning the parking lot into a used car lot and nobody told me anything about it. One morning there was Lynda B's car, a Honda Civic, wrapped in toilet paper with the designated price, $0. So if that is what Lynda wants to claim for herself that is her problem. Dauna later told me that Warren's car was covered with shaving cream and with the designated price of $1 million. That must be some kind of insider joke. I wasn't there so I just don't get it. All cars in the parking lot had various prices and funny slogans painted on them. Only later did Dennis boast about taking paint supplies from the school maintenance supplies to pull the Stop sign prank. We know now that their doings earned the wrath of school officials. Many people also were inconvenienced in having to stop and wash their cars before driving to work or leaving campus and the school maintenance staff had extra work to do in restoring the campus to order. So why is everyone angry with me? I didn't do anything. At least I know how to read. I can't speak for them.