Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I am often reminded of the time when Sharon Turner was discussing George Wood's sermon about tithing. Sharon was saying that George Wood talked about a time when he and his wife did not tithe because they were going through some difficult times but after their finances were restored they resumed tithing. I did not hear this sermon but Sharon was telling me that George Wood himself said that it is OK sometimes, that it sometimes happens that people who are in financial difficulties may have to postpone tithing until finances appear and then may have to get caught up later but still it is OK sometimes to not pay tithes. We know now that it must be so because while Sharon Turner was deeply troubled by George Wood's words and thought it was terrible, nevertheless George Wood was promoted to head of the denomination while Sharon Turner is nobody. Thusly, we see that it must be so, that there is no reason to writhe in agony about getting caught up on tithes when one cannot even get the credit card bills paid down to zero. God knows.