Friday, November 25, 2011


I vaguely remember reading Mark Twain's Puddn'head Wilson in high school and I don't remember what I wrote about that. The book reflects an ethos of 19th century Deep South but I was never from the Deep South so can't say much about that in a personal way. I vaguely remember that Tom and Jean from Alabama lived down here and worked at Vida for a while but we haven't heard from them in many a long year. I have no idea why I should care about Alabama when I can't even understand what they are talking about with that thick Southern accent of theirs. It was the Baptist Reese's who were from Georgia but I also have not heard from them in years. We never were really close friends with them anyway and I really couldn't care less that Shannon is still angry with me because I dropped the turtle there in the patio. They always did have the most rotten attitudes toward me. Anyway, it is not like the opinions of the Bells and the Reeses matter in the slightest. They always were just the silliest most superficial people I ever did meet and I hope to never see again in this lifetime.