Friday, November 4, 2011

Church of God

Since when do the nasty wicked dogs of Tennessee have anything to say to me? Is it my fault that my idiotic distant relatives, probably those dippity dumb Barth cousins, switched over only recently to the Tennessee denomination because they were too obnoxious to get along with the AG probably, not that I would know anything about that? The Church of God TN has no clue about who I am or what this means, obviously, or they would not go around ranting and raving in a way that reveals their true nature as being ignorant hicks from the sticks. I suppose you must carry a big stick to keep from tripping over your twisted feet but your opinion is only that, your opinion and not something that matters to me. Get over it. I do wish the obnoxious Tennessee liars would go back to the hiding in the woods and stop bothering me because there is nothing that I can do for them and obviously they never did me any favors.