Monday, November 21, 2011

Reading Materials

Yes, it is true that when I was renting an apartment in Central Florida for two years the persnickety landlords charged me a fee for not passing their inspection for messiness. The biggest problem actually was the huge pile of reading materials, books and magazines, that was accumulating by the side of the bed and which was cited by them. So, like, is there some reason why I should feel guilty about reading a lot because, well, I always was too intelligent to waste my intellect on the intricacies of landlord-tenant laws and relationships and the way they have nothing to do all day other than sit around gossiping about their tenants? So, like, I guess this qualifies me as unrepentant in this regard. And I happen to remember my co-worker, the other reporter Brenda, talking about her own messiness and she made it sound worse than me so basically I don't feel very guilty about this. Some landlords just don't understand and besides they will use any excuse to enhance their own economic situation at my expense so it's not worth arguing about.