Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cash Crops

Speaking of cash crops, it is interesting to note that the biggest cash crop in the United States actually is not eaten or drunk for nourishment of the body but rather smoked to get high. Pot tops the list, with corn only second, as the nation's biggest cash crop and yet no politicians have as yet dared to pin that name on their foreheads by designating themselves the "Pot Party" activists. Perhaps they would not want to be taken for Pol Pot (1925-1998), the Cambodian Maoist Revolutionary leader. And anyway, if they did it that way they would be laughed to scorn and handed over to the FBI for processing as illegal drugs are not legal in the eyes of law enforcement authorities, at least not at this time. How much easier for them to obsfucate the truth behind the "cash" crop issue by hiding behind a veil of genteel respectability, sipping their choice of Earl Grey or Latte Deluxe while the growers and consumers of pot burn out their brains in a mindless hallucinatory daze and damage their own genetic makeup due to the nefarious effects of smoking pot. Interesting that Obama's recent presidential pardons were granted mostly to persons jailed for participating in the illegal production of illegal pot. Why do pot growers deserve a presidential pardon, one might reasonably wonder, and not the purveyors of other illegal substances and materials? As long as they are pardoning pot, why not pardon opium as well? Thus, it is reasonable to wonder what the Tea Party really stands for and who really belongs to it, at least in my opinion.