Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Oh, ha ha ha! Hispanics have a lot of nerve criticizing me for racism when they are probably the most intolerantly racist people on the planet. Hispanics are so utterly shameless in the pridefully racist way they imagine themselves more virtuous than white people, more given to have family values, more Christian when actually they are mostly nominal Catholics who rarely set foot inside a church, more honest and moral when actually they are adept liars and easily adapted for gang warfare and drug trafficking, more loving of children as long as the children are Hispanic. We are not hugely impressed with the pride of "La Raza." I think that if pride is going to be roasted, that "La Raza" should get its fair share of time roasting over the open fire, at least in my opinion. There is no reason for us white people to wallow in self pity just because the "La Raza" people do not understand us. There is no reason to feel sorry for "La Raza" when their culture is the product of their own flawed character and lack of integrity or other issues beyond anyone's control, not because of any malicious intent on our part. If the selfish greedy "La Raza" ruled the planet nobody else would get a chance, now would they? Why would we choose to have all these vultures sitting around waiting for us to die so they can take everything? Obviously, there is a reason why "La Raza" should remember its place, because it is not all about them.