Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Yes, what a joke, patronizing witch Stephanie Share pretending to be a nice person. Just because she is actually from the U.K. was not the reason that most people in high school were scared to death of her. She was just weird. That was it. She was very weird, always yapping loudly and saying the weirdest things. She did not know that she was not supposed to do that but still I for one would not be interested in joining her in whatever she was talking about. I personally don't have nearly as many problems as Stephanie Share and would prefer to keep it that way, thanks anyway. I don't think that Stephanie was ever aware of my existence or ever knew a single thing about me. That is how motormouths are. They just talk all the time so they never learn anything about the people around them. They just cannot stop talking long enough. I don't mean to be mean but that is just the way things were.