Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lady Bird

In July of 1968 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson visited El Salvador. Interestingly, at about that time one day we were driving near the U.S. embassy there in San Salvador and we noticed a huge crowd of people blocking traffic. My parents seemed to know that the U.S. president was in town. We walked over to the fence surrounding the U.S. embassy and were standing there with a lot of people looking at President and Lady Bird Johnson leaving the embassy. Lady Bird looked over and noticed two little redhead girls probably standing out from the crowd looking at them through the fence surrounded by a lot of brown children. Lady Bird made a signal and a photographer was sent over to take pictures of the people staring through the fence at the Johnsons. Thus, it is possible that somewhere in Lady Bird Johnson's photo album there is a photograph of two little redhead girls behind the bars of the U.S. embassy face looking with curious stares at the goings on in that place. Why my parents did that to us I could not possibly explain. It is just a part of the historical records now.