Friday, November 4, 2011

Lori's Opinion

Oh yes, that was Lori Kelderman of Michigan who was saying to me that she found it appalling that people like Molly were picketing abortion climics. Molly would probably end up spending a lot of time in jail and live the rest of her life with a long criminal record that will circumscribe her choices for the rest of her life. Lori thought it was terrible. I think that Lori has a point. Molly's plan of action would not be my choice, certainly. Of course, I personally think that Lori has a lot of nerve telling Molly what she can or cannot do when obviously Lori stole Cindy's husband Tom, having dated a man she knew was married and then hanging on through the divorce, even if Cindy was a terrible person if you believe what Lori said that Tom told her about Cindy. I really don't want these people like Lori latching onto me this way. I don't really want to be associated with whatever Lori thinks she stands for, personally, because really just having been in the military does not guarantee virtue of character, obviously, as we see from Lori's lousy example. Anyway, I also don't like the idea of Tom's lousy ex-wife Cindy, who lives with her mother, latching onto me this way. How is it that Tom's ex-wife Cindy is sending all these signals to me, recriminations about my being complicit in Lori's stealing of her husband, when all I did was listen to some things that Lori said. And who is this worthless Tom anyway? Tom is nobody as far as I am concerned. Tom would not be my choice, obviously, so I don't want to hear another word from Cindy or Lori on this subject matter. I don't like these people latching onto me this way. I never met Cindy, only once met Tom maybe and I only knew Lori for a short time and then started distancing myself because I don't want to be associated with that.