Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how sad that there is no profit to be had in filling the shoes of an Irish woman, particularly a very low class, garrulous, violent Irish woman, one who goes around slugging people for the slightest imagined affronts. There is evidently no growing demand on the stage for this stereotypical role of such an Irish woman as that, even if I could with some costuming and strenuous effort perhaps make the attempt to fill some such role, based entirely on superficial appearances, perhaps the theoretically Irish roots of my surname added to freckles and red hair, even though I do not consider myself Irish in the least, although perhaps maybe I do have some Irish ancestral roots, as well as plenty of Scottish and English and Welsh and other parts of Western Europe, but a detailed examination of DNA would be expensive and what would be the point of that, other than to discover some unknown nightmare of remote ancestry?

And as soon as I open my mouth you will know immediately that I cannot speak a word of Gaelic, have no cutesy Irish brogue, have no idea of Ireland and its politics. Honestly, I cannot be expected to represent the grievances of the stereotypical Irish woman, never mind about some unknown person's desire to stage something about that.

Anyway, I heard Libby talking online about how she is planning to escape the negative stereotypes of an Irish woman via marriage to a Spanish or Italian man or some such ethnicity. Her children will have shed the Irish appearance problem and thus she can represent herself as their ethnicity, thus vacating the planet and leaving that other unclaimed redhead fairy to answer her mail. Yes, I can see for myself that Libby is a source of angry tweets but even so I cannot answer her mail. I just have no idea what was going on in her empty head during high school if she is going to be that way. With this scheme in operation it's like I don't exist. I just have to follow the scripting. Thus we learn that Libby cannot escape her angry twitter past using me as her scapegoat when her calling codes are imprinted on her very own face. I am just saying.