Thursday, January 26, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, not meaning to disappoint George, but there seems to be some confusion on the point of fairies. Actually, no, I am not a fairy and I do not take my orders from the Bush family, of whom nothing is known other than whatever we see in the media. There is no way on earth that I would ever consent to hold hands with your Bush fairy-fag Machelle, thus to find myself stuck hanging on the gallows with some people I would rather avoid. School is over now and there is no reason to go around killing people I can barely remember, so there is a limit to how far that line of networking will take you. Sorry but even the presidency does not qualify you to a fairy key with which to steal my inheritance for whatever that may or may not be worth. Piracy is illegal now and even the high presidency does not relieve you of the burden of doing the right thing or rather not doing the wrong thing if you really ever had any values and are not just into this game for whatever you can gain for yourself at the expense of the little people such as myself.