Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it will be very hard for you to win this game when you only care about the idiotic blatherings of stupid Bruce Blockhead, who lives in Tucson area if I am not mistaken, and also his trashy wife. Bruce Blockhead of Arizona has taken up himself to bully me into submission to little sister even though he has no paperwork to prove that he has any defensible position. I need a few moments of solitude without little sister screaming and throwing things all over the place which is a very good reason to lock her out for a few minutes. Has Bruce Blockhead so easily forgotten how she put a bowl of water over the door to his room so that when he retired to his room he would get doused on the head, not to mention some other pranks, all belonging to her. So what is all this nonsense about little sister being an only child? What am I, the dog? Your head is full of nothing but Judy and Stephanie and other nonsense. But it is so much easier for you to manage little sister, who will automatically agree to any scheme you may devise that might damage me. You can always use that to lead her around by that ring in her nose. But I digress.