Friday, January 13, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Oh, yes, now I remember, the pope or some other Roman Catholic was talking about how they want to war against the Freemasons and the Emerson-styled Unitarians who fail to identify with them. Well, now, there's a problem. For one thing, to work with you I would have to war against my own grandfather who was at least a card-carrying dues-paying Freemason even if not practicing. I don't necessarily recommend that and yet where is a Mason jar when you need one for canning jams and jellies? There might be some reason why those people persist in preserving these odd associations even if I really don't know very much about that one way or another. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could all get saved and get along be reading off the same page? But of course Utopia is yet unachievable at this late date in history, sad to say. And I don't necessarily see what is so much better about your unicorn alternative. A true hope would have no strings whatever attached to the Hoskins family. Who said I want their stupid money? Lies, lies, it's all just a pack of lies.