Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what are all these dreary Bay Area people screaming about anyway? They never tell us anything or do anything helpful, they just sit there in their Bay Area houses plotting and scheming all kinds of mean and nasty pranks to pull on us. And then they are surprised when we are not amused. How stupid do you think we are anyway? I am so not amused. College pranks are only funny one time and then after that it just gets very annoying. Ok, fine. Whatever. If anyone should know about annoying that would be me, the target of pranksters everywhere for some unknown reason, because anyway nobody has taken the time to learn how to appreciate my unique talents. Probably, I am not whatever you expected. Whatever you expected: NOT. You expected a racist: NOT. You expected a clone of ——: NOT. It is not what it seems. Now there's a widget that makes sense to me.