Saturday, January 28, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Speaking of Honduras, there is a story by the famous author from El Salvador, called Salarrué, in which he sort of disses Honduras. In the story, a man and his son go to great efforts to bring a record player to a house deep in the jungles of Honduras. A robber or band of robbers comes along and they kill the man and his son and then the robber plays the records on the record player, perhaps a wind-up Victrola type of record player, and the sound of the music is streaming through the depths of the Honduran jungle, and that is basically the entire plot of that story, but the story is artfully told if you can read Spanish. Added to that, he sort of puns the name of the country, Honduras, which is also a Spanish word meaning "depths." But I never noticed that story during high school. Only more recently did I notice that. Yes, I suppose that could be interpreted to describe Honduras as a sort of bottomless pit, a Spanish abyss of sorts, because, yes, sometimes there is no justice and perhaps there never will be enough answers to satisfy the Honduran demands for satisfaction, whatever that meant. Where does that stop? Enough. It was a tragedy but that was almost 50 years ago. And the Apostle Paul had some negative things to say about the Cretans who were described by him as deceitful, but that is in the Bible perhaps for a reason. Why was there a weeklong war over a soccer game? And all those people who died in the Soccer War, where is the justice? Sometimes there just are no answers to these deeply imponderable questions. And if you have so much faith in God, why would you be asking me? Go home to Honduras and figure it out for yourself.