Sunday, January 29, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Someone was asking me if I remembered Ronald Aguilera. I vaguely remember the name as being someone who was attending our college. I remember seeing him maybe once or twice, mainly I remember that he performed in the talent show with Sharon Whetstone, who was his fiancee at the time, a duet by Sonny and Cher, "I Got You Babe." However, I never really had any personal contact with him so there is nothing else that I can tell you about him. You told me that he was from Honduras. Oh, I didn't know that. Although I recognize the name, I couldn't care less about these boring people. Ok, basically, I thought the Ronald was maybe a blithering idiot, but that wouldn't be a nice thing for me to say about anybody. I won't really need this Honduran scum for anything.