Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Which Reminds Me

The Wilsons lived in El Salvador for one year, when I was maybe 10 years old, and I remember we were at their house one time for maybe a birthday party, because they had two daughters near our age, and I may not remember this very well, but I am thinking that Mr. Wilson stood me on a chair and said something about how he wanted to be my representative. Which was weird. Yes, what was that supposed to mean? How did I answer that other than maybe laugh? I did feel uneasy. I was only maybe 10 or 11 years old at the time so no valid contract could have been established by that. And what could be the effect of that other than to make his two daughters utterly loathe me and enable them to come to my house and smash all my toys? And do you really think I am so stupid that I would put any faith in the dreary Wilson bombers? The Bible says that there is a mountain that will fill the whole earth but I tend to think that Everett is not the name or the place. It is not really about that. That Wilson thing didn't mean very much to me. Personally, I would not want myself and my personal effects to be represented by those heavy-handed, ham-handed political people who are basically only looking to build on their own political capital at my expense. They never really do anything to help us. I can't even remember what exactly was said by whom but of course those crazy people would probably read into that much more than I could ever imagine possible.