Friday, January 27, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem rather strange that these high-powered political women of the United States should have such a vested interest in identifying themselves with the street slang interests of Chile. I mean, really, it is just regional slang thing that I would imagine is mostly likely not admitted into the Royal Academy of the really official Spanish language. I was young and naive when I first encountered this phenomena, so I always kept quiet about that, but now that I am older and can see a fuller picture of that, and even yet I do not really identify myself with either of those Southern Cone countries. These language mistakes could easily happen to anyone navigating the cross-cultural language frontiers, so you really should not get so overwrought about nothing much. In fact, I am fairly certain that other people have already trod this path before me.

It logically follows that you would next be intending to make some political points about the war that occurred between Honduras and El Salvador during the time that we were living in El Salvador. That was 1969, the summer before sixth grade. El Salvador attacked Honduras because of a soccer game. They may have lost the soccer game but even so they gained some territory at least for a while, until the international arbitrators reviewed the country's boundaries. So that means that you only care about Honduras. You don't really sympathize with the interests of El Salvador in having to give it all back however many years later.

But that doesn't really compare to my situation because in my case you are the Honduran attackers who took everything that didn't belong to you and now you expect me to run around screaming and crying about losing some game of Sorry or whatever when actually you are the ones who are guilty of something, perhaps more than we know. I am just saying. But, yes, I know that you don't like to listen to boring pedantic patronizing sermons so I will just ignore your nonsense whenever possible. Who knows? Maybe someday you will repent of something and also explain to us what you did. Ok, so you spiked the punch bowl and then you try to make me feel guilty about that. Huh?