Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Which Reminds Me

The Bible, in Deuteronomy 25:4, tells us: "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain." The yoked ox needs to be fed and well cared for so that it can go around and around in circles, activating the gears that crush the sugar cane until it is reduced to molasses, brown sugar, etc. Yes, we certainly must not deny the wages and good and improved working conditions due to these lowly hired sugar workers who need to feed their children and take care of themselves. However, when it comes to gas and oil, I have a different role above that of an ox, one that just any old brute creature could never really understand. I don't even understand it all myself so how can I tell you where I have not yet been? We will need more than just brute force of clueless Southern Kinsey-styled blunderers to crush our way through this mess. We will need a gear, a mechanism, a brain that knows what it is talking about, which is something the you really would not be able to provide judging from your self-evidently ridiculous efforts thus far. Why do I have to explain this?