Monday, January 9, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Sorry, but I cannot possibly consider evacuating my own head in favor of some vacuous Baker bimbo flower child, the one with a high degree in what, maybe underwater basketweaving. Well, there is evidently a whole lot of underwater basketweaving going on, but I will be evacuating the planet shortly, one way or another, so in the long run it won't really matter who gets what. What really matters is how to graciously evacuate without starting a war, and also mainly salvation. If you can get saved, well, that is always a good thing. I think that is what matters in the long run because life is short and you just don't know what the future holds. To prepare to meet your Maker is an awesome task the importance of which that few have appreciated in the past but perhaps some adjustments can be made to improve the salvation numbers. Beyond that, well, I must defer judgment to the authorities because, truth be told, I have a hard time understanding why these people are so defensive, as if I were attacking them. I wasn't even thinking about them at all. I really don't care what they do with their money.