Saturday, October 8, 2011

Laid Out Rose

Yes, that Rose Wilson always was such a wicked witch. If none of us can do better than those Wilson music dogs, then we are all stuck in limbo land forever because although she did have a good voice she was a horrible person to be around and even dangerous. One day in music class Rose was singing "When I am laid" from the opera "Dido and Aeneas" and smirking and making all kinds of grimaces as if this were a joke. Ok, so maybe we sort of get it and maybe we don't but whatever. And then later maybe it was Lynda who said that Debbie Tracy thought that I was making "interested" faces at Rose who was singing. That was so weird. I never realized until then how wicked Debbie Tracy actually is not to mention Lynda's odd participation in this strange little drama. How could anyone even think such a thing let alone say it when this is a Christian college? Maybe I just brushed it off at the time thinking that Debbie perhaps misinterpreted something, some look on my face or whatever. But I am getting very tired of all these people forcing me to think about lesbians and gays. I am really not interested in discussing that subject. Just because I had two cousins who were gay, as has been mentioned more than once, that does not mean that I would want to join them in their lifestyle choices or, for that matter, think very much about them in the future. I am very straight. And how is it that these people seem to know more about my cousins than I do? I was never around them all that much and can't really say much about what they were like in high school or speculate on who they would have married if things had been different. I do hope they were saved before they died of AIDS but otherwise I have nothing else to say about them. They had their lives and their friends with whom I am not acquainted and their tombstones memorialize them just like most of the people who have gone before us on this planet. I don't think that they were mistreated. If they are dealing with a lot of shame, it is unfortunate but we all come by these pangs of guilt naturally. It is called sin.